#963 Three Reasons I May NOT Like you

I tend to be positive in my views and reflect those views in these blog posts. I like to help people and point out universal truths that enable us to become well-liked, trusted, and well thought of. I want to tell you about tools you can use and attitudes you can adopt to help you gain rapport and move toward your business and personal outcomes with the universe acting as the wind in your sails.

But the opposite approach holds wisdom as well. 

Here are three terrible character flaws you need to expunge if your personality contains even a residue of any of them.

Moral Superiority.  I love a rousing discussion. I enjoy learning from people who hold a view that is different from mine. But I can't stand a sanctimonious preacher who espouses a thesis that leaves no room for any other idea. Don't do this. Temper your views and listen to people who think differently than you. After all, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

False Humility.  Making it clear that you think you are superior by trying to show everyone you're just like they are is as easy to see through as a cheesecloth blindfold. "Too many people think they're above it all. They are afraid to get their hands dirty and do their own work. Not me. Just this morning, I got the hose out and washed the Benz myself."  

Putting down other people we know in common.  There are two ways to have the tallest tree in town. You can water and fertilize your own or chop down everyone else's. 

Trying to create camaraderie with me by running someone else down makes my skin crawl. And worse, somewhere in the back of my mind, I wonder if you make fun of me when you're talking with them.

Think for a moment about someone you know who is dogmatic, shows false humility, or constantly S-talks people you both know well. Do you like them?

People do business with people they like. Be nice. Be authentic. Be humble and be helpful. Be likable and Own Your Sales Gene…


#964 Being Innately Untalented was a True Blessing


#962 Plain Boiled Pasta or Bolognese?