#932 The Secret is no secret
Happy Labor day to you! I hope you’re relaxed and enjoying.
At the risk of being a bit too much for you logical, non-mystical types, let me tell you a universal truth.
“You become what you think about most often.
Change your thoughts; change your life.”
Way back in the nineties, I listened to Wayne Dyer’s Manifest Your Destiny. Before Dr. Dyer, there was Earl Nightingale’s The Strangest Secret. (I listened to that multiple times as well. Earl had a voice that was a cross between Barry White and Walter Cronkite.)
Mix in Max Maltz’s Phycho Cybernetics, which touted that you could steer your mind to a productive, useful outcome, and then sprinkle in Proverbs 23:7, “As someone thinks within himself, so is he” then round it all out with the resurgence of The Secret and you’ve got to believe there’s something to this theory of attraction.
Of course, you can’t just sit on your couch and think about being successful. You’ve got to pursue your dreams, but that’s just the thing. If you spend your time in worry or negative thought, you will attract negative things to you.
With that behavior you’re actively perusing bad outcomes.
I believe in affirmations. I believe in goal setting. I believe in imagining my perfect day, writing it out, reading it often, and knowing that day will happen in my future.
I don’t believe in worry. I don’t believe in cynicism. I don’t believe in anticipating the worst so I can “prepare”. I can’t join the crowd who worry and predict doom, claiming to be correct and prepared each time a bad event hits them. That philosophy disallows enjoying today because of the preoccupation with worry about tomorrow. And guess what? When doom doesn’t visit tomorrow, they begin to worry about the next tomorrow. As my 2 year old grandson says, “No Dat Doo” (No thank You)
Do I wear my seat belt, fill sandbags when a flood is imminent, wear my mask, and maintain a healthy social distance? Absolutely. But I also visualize my best life everyday and know that my focus on successful outcomes will bring them about.
How about you?
Own Your Sales Gene…