#931 Leading with Love
In my mastermind coaching group, we got into a discussion about relationships and managing communication.
This included managing communication with a significant other, adult kids, employees, friends, and bosses.
The thing is, that while the differences between these relationships is vast, the approach is the same.
“You’ve got to lead with love.”
Before you dismiss this as being too crunchy granola, woo-woo, non-business-like for you, read on.
Point one in my life and business philosophy is:
You are responsible for the results of your encounters.
If you can accept that personal responsibility, then let’s continue.
I believe we can agree that any communication that leads to fear, anger, judgment, aggression, bias, anxiety, or impatience will likely go awry; yes?
So what’s left? What is the absence of all of those things? Leading with love. Love is the placeholder word for lack of the toxic leads I just mentioned. To approach your PITA boss without fear, anger, judgment, aggression, bias, anxiety, or impatience is to openly approach her and forgive her for her shortcomings rather than anticipating and guarding against them. If, as I said, you are in my camp in that you are willing to take responsibility for your outcomes, why would you approach it any other way? Isn’t a good result what you want, and don’t people react more positively to an open approach than they do to one closed with the attitudes I mentioned earlier?
This approach takes a ton of practice and patience. A great way to start is to remember that the pause between thought and speech often shapes the outcome.
The next time you get a response that is less than you’d hoped for, take a beat and think before you respond. Then respond without the hindrances of fear, anger, judgment, aggression, bias, anxiety, and impatience. I guaranty you a better outcome.
Own Your Sales Gene…