#942 Do You Really Believe Your Excuses?

Show me all the things that keep getting in your way, and I will show you someone with a lot of excuses.

I remember listening to Jim Rohn years ago. He told a story about a guy who approached him after a speaking engagement. The guy said, “Mr. Rohn, I don’t know what to do. 

My boss disrespects me, my wife left me, I got my car repossessed, and my landlord told me I have to be out of my place in a week, and I have not found another place to live. 

Mr. Rohn, you have to help me.  Why do these things keep happening to me?”

Jim Rohn looked the man in the eye and said, “You know, sir, I’m not sure. The best I’ve been able to figure out is that THINGS LIKE THIS ALWAYS SEEM TO HAPPEN TO PEOPLE LIKE YOU.”

My grandfather used to say, “Che causa de sua male piange lo stesso”   Which loosely translates to: “People cause their problems and then cry about them.” Listen, we all get caught in a tangle from time to time; we all get stuck here or there, but what happens next?  Do you believe the excuses?  

“It’s a pandemic! Businesses are closed. How do you expect me to sell anything?”  

Except people are selling. 

People are networking and finding opportunities. Here is the secret. The people that are selling and networking and finding opportunities are not the people saying. 

“It’s a pandemic!  Businesses are closed. How do you expect me to sell anything?”  

You become what you think about most of the time.

 Own your sales gene…


#943 Small Changes Big Results


#941 The will to win is UNimportant