#891 Reframing

I teach salespeople my reframe for rejection. Reframing is an NLP technique that allows one to see the situation differently; to take it apart entirely and, using the same parts, construct something altogether new. Reframing is a helpful way to make lemonade out of lemons.

In sales, my rejection reframe goes like this. When a prospect rejects me and chooses someone else, I feel bad…FOR THEM! I know that I am the best there is in my business. I know I will be responsive, reliable, and honest. I know I will deliver, in spades, all that I promised, and more. I know I will pay close attention to their needs and be proactive, looking for potential issues with our business together, and managing them before they take root. I will be fair and flexible. I will monitor the process as my product or service is delivered, and I will check in regularly, after the sale, to be sure they remain happy with their decision. There will be nothing hidden; no surprises and no last-minute switches.

When they choose someone else, I know they won’t get all of that with the integrity I cover it with so, I feel bad FOR THEM!

I know that they made a decision based on price, misappropriated sales guile, or some other short-term promise and have lost the long-term care and resulting satisfaction they would have had with me.

Unbridled hubris? Maybe; but if you don’t believe your customer is better off with you and you don’t think you’ll deliver on your promises better than anyone else in your lane, it’s time to burn your sales card and find some other, profession where you’re less likely to get hurt. Like maybe alligator wrestling or beekeeping.

Own your sales gene…


#892 Nine sure-fire steps to double your anxiety, increase your stress and shorten your life…


#890 Always Be Closing...NOT!