#890 Always Be Closing...NOT!

That line was made famous by Alec Baldwin in the excellent film, Glengarry Glen Ross. A lot has been made of closing during my time in sales. I’ve learned about the Ben Franklin Close, the either-or close, the high, medium low close and on and on.

Here’s the truth. It’s not about the close; it’s about the process. If your process is sound, the close is the expected conclusion by both parties.

I’ve always resented the very idea of closing techniques. It’s as if there is a contest, and I, the sales professional, need to best my advisory by employing some tricky closing technique.

What a load of horse hockey! (Thank you, Colonel Potter)

For me, it’s all about the process; about listening and helping. I’ll admit that some folks need to be nudged in the right direction, and I’m ready to do that. Getting people unstuck and comfortable with a decision is part of how I help. We’re meant to listen, discern and suggest. We’re meant to untangle and think through. We’re meant to offer solutions and shepherd our clients through the process. All of that IS “closing.” Not pressurized, strong-arm tactics that use fear of loss as the sole motivator.

And we wonder why people are wearing garlic necklaces and holding up crosses when we approach.

Hard closing is for lazy salespeople who don’t take the time to question, understand, and suggest.

Help your clients to come to a solution you offer that benefits them

Own Your Sales Gene…

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#891 Reframing


#889 Open and Receiving