#1134 You’re the Rock in My Shoe

A message to every overbearing, self-righteous a-hole in a position of authority:

Bossing folks around is lazy management. Barking orders takes no time or thought; even though they may comply, I will tell you what you don’t see beneath the surface.

 And, by the way, they are doing the minimum they can get away with and looking to leave as soon as a decent opportunity comes up. If they could leave you a dear John letter when they move on, it might look like this:

You were the rock in my shoe.   

You added a degree of difficulty to even the simplest task before me. Your need to insert yourself or your opinion into everything that brushed up against you. You grated against those of us who were only passing by, not stopping for an opinion or an adjustment and certainly not for a complete overhaul.  (Did you have My Way playing on repeat in your head?)

No slight was ever too small to address.  Nothing rolled off your back except the remains of those you bowled over. Revenge was your love language. I am thrilled to see you only in my rearview mirror and am comforted to know that your image will continue shrinking as I get further away.

It takes time to explain, field questions, and show care and concern for those who report to you.  It takes patience, empathy, and understanding to create a culture of compliance, teamwork, open communication, and concerned accountability.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely and might doesn’t equal right.

Whether parent, boss, senior person, bigger, stronger, or louder, dominating thwarts collaborating, produces poor outcomes, and casts a noxious pall throughout the environment surrounding you.  You hardly notice the noxious fumes (most people don’t mind the smell of their own gas), but in the end, the emperor who doesn’t learn to lift people, listen with patience, smile, and encourage walks among the snickering masses, unaware of his absolute nakedness.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1135 My Bones Felt Like Prison Bars


#1133 BE, DO HAVE