#1133 BE, DO HAVE

The real value in setting goals is not what you achieve.  The acquisition of the thing you strove for is not nearly as important as what you became while striving for it.

This cuts both ways.  While I wrote that line with nobility in mind, there is a darker side.  I’m sure Madoff and Bankman-Fried had lofty goals.

If your values align with your goals, becoming is the great prize and goals will continue to be reached because of who you became to achieve them. It is a delightful loop.

I call this philosophy BE DO HAVE. I don’t recall where I learned that, but I have followed it for thirty years. It’s the opposite of Madoff and Bankman-Fried.  They worshipped the HAVE without regard to the BE.  The BE determines the DO.  We all know stories of people who have suffered because they subordinated the BE to the HAVE.  We can all DO.  I’d wager that the DO of the aforementioned criminals shaped the BE, and that’s the crux, isn’t it? 

The BE deserves the most focus.  The BE needs to be a clear intention and then the DO will continue to nurture and grow it until the HAVE becomes a constant; a byproduct.

On September 19th, I am co-hosting an event called Connect and Elevate with Matt Strout. His story will amaze and inspire you, and his spirit, energy, and knowledge will elevate you. It is a networking event with a seminar baked in. We begin with an excellent dinner in a setting designed for networking with like-minded professionals.

 The seminar is a practical introduction to BE DO HAVE.  Matt and I will share many of the habits and routines of wildly successful people, giving you actionable insights to tap into your best self. 

You can go to Eventbrite for tickets. Sponsorships are available on my site. Just click on the store after you finish with the blog. Feel free to Email me or call me for details.  732-822-5990.


#1134 You’re the Rock in My Shoe


#1132 A Penny for your Thoughts?