1108 A Shepherd Should Smell Like His Sheep. MBWA

Pope Francis said, “A shepherd should smell like his sheep.” Tom Peters coined the phrase "management by walking around."

The notion of "quality time" gained popularity in the eighties and nineties. Quality time was meant to assuage the guilt of busy businesspeople who only took limited time with their families.

It Was Nonsense.

Whether on the factory floor, in the office breakroom, the retail shop, the police station, or the family room, quantity AND quality time are essential for nurturing solid bonds.

You can put in 12-hour days and attend work functions a few nights each week to further your career. But don't delude yourself that the few hours you spend with your family are enough to maintain the closeness needed to form strong family bonds.

You may convince yourself that your daily analysis of the various KPIs and balance sheets requires a closed door and full-time screen time, but don't expect loyal, engaged employees on the other side of the door.

Our ancestors lived in small, intimate bands where knowing and trusting one another were life and death skills - We still carry that DNA, and while we live in a global space with packed schedules and distractions galore, knowing and trusting still come about in the same way: giving your time and attention to those who matter.

Own Your Sales Gene


#1108 We don't believe what we see
