Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will run your life, and you will call it fate.” Carl Young

“You’ve got to protect yourself against yourself,” Me

One of my favorite Jim Rohn stories is this: A young man approaches Jim after a seminar. He speaks.

“Mr. Rohn, you’ve got to help me. I’ve lost my job, my credit card debt is sky-high, my girl left me, my car got impounded, and yesterday, the landlord put an eviction notice on my door! Mr. Rohn, tell me, WHY DO THINGS LIKE THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME?”

Jim looks at him deadpan and says, “I don’t know. The best I’ve been able to figure is that things like THIS always seem to happen to people like YOU.”

It’s the beginning of 2024. It’s an excellent time for a little internal excavation. What went well for you in 2023? What would you like more of? What sucked last year? What would you like less of? 

Identifying what you want and don’t want is usually easy. Planning for what you want and understanding why you’re getting things you don’t want takes a more conscious effort. And then, there’s actually making the changes.

I will host a networking/goals & planning workshop in Freehold, NJ, next month. Stand by for details.

Own Your Sales Gene…



1108 A Shepherd Should Smell Like His Sheep. MBWA


#1106 It's Opposite Day!