#1091 Don't Eat Soup with a Fork

Don't eat soup with a fork.

I think I read the soup and fork line in Sylvia Boorstein's book called It's Easier Than You Think. I hastened to write it down, knowing I would use it here. I love clever lines like that!

I watch (metaphorically) people eat soup with a fork all the time. The proper tool is available. There's a spoon well within reach, yet there they are, digging in with a fork. The soup runs through the tines, some spills on the table, some on their shirt, and no more than a drop or two makes it to the mouth. The bowl remains full, and the soup - uneaten. 

Mission NOT accomplished.  

As they push away from the table, banging the fork down in frustration, soup spilling over the side of the bowl, making a bigger mess that they'll have to clean up later.

Why not grab a spoon? 

Spoons were invented for soup. 

They get infinitely better results. 

This has been proven in one of the most extensive longitudinal studies of all time called "People eating soup with a spoon"!

To move people from point A to point B, one must ask questions. One must be kind. One must be authentic, genuinely interested, and invested in seeking a good outcome for all. The words and calm emotion are within reach, yet I witness people scowling and using a tone better suited to admonish a shoe-chewing puppy. They persist in demanding, using cutting language and aggressive body postures and, by the way, getting precious little done. 

                                 Mission NOT accomplished. 

As they push away, delivering their parting shots, emotion spills over, making a mess they'll have to clean up later.

Why not take a breath, gain control of your state, and ask kindly for what you want? Why not reach for a spoonful of kindness and understanding when delivering a correction?

Treating people well and seeking win-win outcomes has been proven to work in one of the most extensive longitudinal studies of all time called "Life. No one likes an irascible A-hole."

Bon Appetite!

 Own Your Sales Gene.


#1092 Bust a Move


#1090 Catching Flies