#1092 Bust a Move

Today is dedicated to all of the wonderful people I got to spend time with at EMC Chicago and KC.

I don’t want to be thought-provoking. Thought leaders are coming out of the woodwork, and we all have our favorites to follow. What I want to be is action-provoking. I want to move the needle for at least some of you. Each week, when I hit the keyboard, I envision someone reading the blog and making a change because of what they read.

What’s better for you, running, walking, Pilates, yoga, weightlifting, bike riding, or hiking?

The one that will improve your overall health most is the one you will do. Don’t be cravenly non-committal. There is no standing still. There is only growth or regression.

Action, as Shakespeare said, is eloquent. Telekinesis charlatans claim to be able to influence a physical thing without physical interaction. It makes for good carnival shows but has no place for us.

Thinking is critical, but only as it leads to action. Action changes attitudes, motion changes emotion and movement changes moods.

Here is a quote to live by from one of the thought leaders of the early ’90s

Don’t just stand there; Bust a move. Young MC

Own Your Sales Gene…



#1093 Who not How


#1091 Don't Eat Soup with a Fork