#1082 Audentes Fortuna Luvat


John saw her and was knocked out. “So this is love at first sight,” he thought. She was slinging hash in a NYC diner, and when she came to his table, she smiled, and he was done for. He stammered his order and stared at her as she walked away. He came in twice a week, smiled at her, and made small talk when she brought his coffee or check.

Phil saw her and was knocked out. “So this is love at first sight,” he thought. She was slinging hash in a NY diner, and when she came to his table, she smiled, and he was done for. He made small talk when she brought him coffee, and when she delivered the check, he asked her out. They’re still dating, and John is still waiting.

John thought she was out of his league. He wanted to ask her out but feared her inevitable rejection.  

Phil thought she might be out of his league and feared her possible rejection but said to himself, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

Change your thoughts – Change your outcomes.

“You miss 100% of the shots you never take,” Wayne Gretzky

Not trying is tantamount to rejecting yourself. The pain of rejection stings but doesn’t linger; the pain of regret lingers on and on. Just ask John the next time he sees his dream girl leave with Phil after her shift.

Audentes fortuna iuvat: Fortune Favors the Brave

Own Your Sales Gene…



#1083 Self-Talk


#1081 A BIg Enough WHY