#1081 A BIg Enough WHY

  • Desire wins.

  • Urgency is what separates super-achievers from the pack. 

  • You become what you think about most often.

  • Your thoughts determine what you want; your actions determine what you get.

  • Wanting a thing and taking consistent action is what brings it to fruition. 

  • Lack of urgency equals mediocrity.  

  • The middle ground is just a place successful people pass through while going from one extreme to the other to get things done.

  • There is no limit to the number of attempts one will make to achieve a worthy goal.  

  • If you have a big enough WHY you will find the how. 

  • Desire Wins.  

Develop your WHY. Think about it. Write it down. Read it often and let it shape your actions and fuel your urgency.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1082 Audentes Fortuna Luvat


#1080 The Fundamental Attribution Error