#1075 What’s the plan, Stan?

Do you want to pick what you want or choose from what’s left?

I can show up at a good restaurant and wait a few hours, hoping there will be an opening, or I can make a reservation.

Most folks make restaurant reservations, book hotels, and buy plane tickets in advance, so the concept of planning certainly isn’t foreign.

Unfortunately, for many, that’s where it starts and ends.

How about life? 

Are you OK with showing up and waiting around for a few hours (months, years, A LIFETIME!) hoping for an opening?

As the great Jim Rohn said, “You’ve got to think winter in summer.”  

I set goals in December for the coming year. I don’t make resolutions. Resolutions are ephemeral. Goals take deep thought, time, and commitment.

I then look at the goals each month and decide how much of my goal list I can touch that month. That becomes my plan for the month.

I look at my monthly plan each week and set up the week.

I get knocked off plan often. Things happen that need attention right away, and I attend to them. But like my GPS, when I get off the route to find a Starbucks, I reroute and get back on course – because I have a course to get back on to.

Don’t grow old waiting for an opening. Think about what you want from your job, your relationships, your body, and your mind, and make a plan.

I’m happy to help you get started. If you need me, click the link in my email signature and book a virtual coffee with me.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1076 Inveigle


#1074 What I Wish I Knew When I Was You