#1074 What I Wish I Knew When I Was You

I hope you had a lovely, long weekend. Please be conscious that Memorial Day is not just a three-day weekend with sales on barbeque grills and backyard furniture.

Memorial Day honors and remembers the men and women who died fighting for our freedom. While we honor the fallen, let's remember the complexities of grief for those they left behind. If you have not yet taken a moment to pause and remember those heroes, please take a minute now.

Here is the blog:

#1074 What I wish I knew when I was you.

I wish I knew that my potential was unlimited. I wish I knew that I'm not lacking anything, that I have everything I need inside me – we all do.

I wish I knew he wasn't better than me, just better trained.

I wish I knew I didn't have to tell everyone how good I was; I could work hard and show them.

I wish I knew that questions trump statements and that no one ever listened their way out of a sale.

I wish I knew that hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.

I wish I knew I didn't need to posture; I could just be me.

I wish I knew enough to draw out the shy ones in the crowd. Peacocks can certainly put on a dazzling display, but peahens, without colorful plumage, contribute just as much without showing off.

I wish I knew that cream always rises to the top.

I wish I knew there is nothing passive about passive income and no overnight successes.

I wish I knew that people who don't object may still have objections, and I wish I'd asked a few more questions.

I wish I'd paid closer attention to body postures, facial expressions, and tonalities that could have given me deeper insight had I focused beyond the words I heard.

I wish I'd sought out more accomplished people and keenly observed how they moved through the world.

I wish I understood that every downturn, disappointment, and discouragement held opportunity deep within its bowels.

What I do know is that regardless of how much time has passed and how many opportunities were missed, today is a new day and a chance to begin again.

The best time to plant a shade tree was twenty years ago. Then the next best time is today.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1075 What’s the plan, Stan?


#1073 Quitchabitchin'!