#1069 I’d Rather be Invited.

They say the three most important things in real estate are location, location, and location. In business and personal development, it's relationships, relationships, and relationships.  

I am a member of The Columbus Citizens Foundation in Manhattan. It is a private club comprised of like-minded people who want to give back to the community and promote a positive image of Italian Americans.

I'm there because I believe in their mission and want to be a part of our members' good philanthropic work. Many of those members have engaged me in business outside of the scope of the foundation, and I have done the same for them.  

If a foundation member invites me in to bid for a piece of business with his company and he also gets bids from folks who cold-called their way in, who do you think he is likely to award the bid to? Even if my bid is slightly higher, I will get the nod. 

Why? Relationships rule. My fellow members know me. They have seen me in action on committees or at events. They've solicited me for their charities as I have solicited them for mine. It's personal.

No stranger can cold-call her way in to interrupt that. They may infiltrate, but I'm invited. I advise every new BD person I meet to join a charity. First, it's only fitting to use your skills for good – I believe you OWE that if you've been granted those skills. But beyond that, it's about the people you'll meet and the relationships you'll form while doing that good work. Those relationships will enrich your life both personally and for business. Sometimes good connections are serendipitous, which is good, but to my mind, it ought to be a prominent focus for anyone looking to succeed.


Own Your Sales Gene…


#1070 Getting S*** Done!


#1068 Bad JuJu