#1068 Bad JuJu

Like an unfortunate alchemist with the curse of turning gold into lead, he brought out the worst in people, turning enthusiasm into apathy. No, check that; apathy was upmarket from what he got. He bred resentment and subterfuge. He thought he was straightforward; he called them as he saw them. He didn't mince words or sugarcoat. He was right, and right was all that mattered.

And no one, but no one, could put one over on him. If he so much as sniffed that someone was shading the truth or hatching an excuse, there was no grace. He called them out immediately.

He was and is the smartest guy in the room regarding numbers and systems, and he made sure you knew it.

When the company's president announced her retirement, he was shocked not to be named successor, and of course, he let the board know, which, in turn, ensured that he'll get passed over the next time too.

Own Your Sales Gene


#1069 I’d Rather be Invited.


#1067 Don’t Write Your Own Endings.