#1054 Thank You

As we begin the twentieth year of Weekly Thought, let me shout THANK YOU!   I sit down to write each week, knowing that you are waiting to see if I come up with something that resonates with you. I love putting my hands on the keyboard as I conjure up a face or two and try to imagine what you might want or need this week.

My gratitude is manifold. You expect something good enough to give a few minutes of your time, and I respect that, so I write, rewrite, cut, and hone in an effort to meet that expectation.

You make me better at what I do. 

Often, in anticipating what you may want to brush off and look at, I find things I need to brush off and look at too. You make me a better person.

Sometimes you unsubscribe, letting me know that I am not for everyone and I need to be OK with that.

Sometimes you write back to me with a compliment or comment, which keeps it real and makes me grateful.

I love writing this blog every week; honestly, I do, but this would not be so without you. Thank you for continuing to let me do what I love to do. Happy New Year! I wish you robust health, Big Love, lots of belly laughs, and a life filled with all the riches you desire.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1055 Dirty Ankles


#1053 Baseball is 90% Mental