#1053 Baseball is 90% Mental

The other half is physical. Yogi Berra 

Sales, and indeed life, is a mental game. Yogi math aside, I spend a great preponderance of my time working on the mental aspects of business and personal development. I need to think about it, create it in my mind, and then make it a reality.

Each year, I dedicate the last week of December to setting my goals for the succeeding year. 

You may or may not believe in the power of having written goals. That's OK. But you can't argue that thinking about what comes next or what you'd like to see come next has merit. I spend the last week of December imagining what I'd like to see happen next. I think about my personal development and imagine learning new things, creating new habits, and suspending some old ones. I think about my business life and picture what next year could be like, and I review my debts, savings, and earnings and think about what items or projects to spend money on next year.  

I write down my ideas and let them steep. I love this appropriate axiom; "No man can step into the same river twice. 

First, because it is not the same river, and next, because he is not the same man."

I leave my goals alone for a few days because when I revisit them, I am not the same man, and they are not the same river. I do this a few times, and then I commit them to my goal pages. I take some time to write these things out clearly and in a way that I can measure them.

I take that goals page out at the beginning of each new month and decide what is in there that I can get started on. I trust my goals page because it was created while I was relaxed and without stress or pressure.  

Having an intention for life rather than ducking, blocking, or changing course as things come at me gives me what I need to focus on what's important rather than what's urgent.

You may be different. 

You may like to reinvent yourself daily based on the current circumstances. That doesn't work for me. I need an intention mapped out when my mental state was pure.

If you want to talk about this or need some help getting started, hit the link in my email signature or on my coaching page and set up a virtual coffee zoom session with me. I'd love to help.

Own Your Sales Gene


#1054 Thank You


#1052 Motto Time