#980 What Did You Expect?

My friend and fellow NLP practitioner, Dr. Dan Schaffer, does a talk called “Golf, The Mind Game.” Dan claims he can take three strokes off your game if you attend his lecture and apply the principles he teaches. Dan does not bring a golf club to the talk. There is no mention of swing speed, grip, or follow-through. 

Dan trains people to change their expectations.

Let me ask you a question; when you drink a glass of water, do you expect to choke? 

No? Why not? Haven’t you had water go down the wrong pipe and had to cough it back up?  

When you walk down the street, do you expect to trip and fall? No? 

Why not? Haven’t you ever tripped and fallen?

When you make a prospecting call, do you expect a warm reception and a great outcome? No? Why not? 

Haven’t you ever made a call and gotten a warm reception and great outcome?

Someone once asked Babe Ruth what he thought about when he struck out. He said, “I think about hitting home runs.”

Mindset, as I have said, ad nauseum, is 100% of the game. 

The magic of expectation will change your outcomes.  

  • Expect to get the deal.

  • Expect the call to go well.

  • Expect to get the job.

  • Expect to get the date.

  • Expect to crush the goal.

Visualizing a great golf shot as you get ready to hit the ball improves the outcome dramatically. The same goes for outbound calls, meetings, interviews, and negotiations. 

An important thing to remember is that the opposite is also true. We get, by and large, not what we deserve but rather what we expect.

Own Your Sales Gene…




#979 Going All In