Did you ever say “effective immediately” when talking to a friend?  Have you ever said that when speaking to a good client?  Do you tell your significant other that something is “effective immediately”?

I didn’t think so, yet people in business use this phrase to convey importance and give extra weight to the policy they’re issuing.  I’ve seen it on signs and in the heading of memos.

Does it work?  Probably.  People certainly understand a barked command.  Is it effective?  That depends.

It may be effective in that folks know that this policy begins NOW, but the overall effect of that communication may be harmful in other ways.

Barking commands is necessary and effective in a few situations like combat zones, four-alarm fires, emergency rooms, or to get the immediate attention of a kid facing clear and imminent danger.  Barking commands is not necessary or effective in personal relationships or employee communications.

Lazy leaders bark without explanation and get just enough from their employees so that the employees can remain under the radar and avoid admonishment.

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY may seem benign to many people as it has become part of the lexicon, but it is in these tiny opportunities that the seeds of change can germinate.

 A good leader understands that courtesy and civility build trust and long-term loyalty.


Own Your Sales Gene…


#982 Can You Listen Slowly?


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