#949 Everything is Created Twice

First, in your mind and then in practice. The problem? That goes applies to good and bad practices.

Change your thoughts, change your outcomes.

If only it were that easy, right?

Thoughts pop up all the time without the benefit of being a result of thoughtfulness. After two whiskeys, the thought pops up that a third and a fourth would be a good idea. It’s a thought but not very thoughtful.

Thoughtfulness is the key. Take the time to sit and think and plan. Think about your life from all different angles: your work, your family, your friends, your home, your community, the world. Just think a bit and then make a plan based on the outcome of those thoughts.

There are dozens of versions of this methodology, from personal goalsetting to business planning, little to-do lists, vision boards, and everything in between.

I’ve developed systems that work for me that may be very different from the strategies that work for others. The important thing is to have a system. Have a way to look at your future, see the options, be thoughtful, choose, and plan.

I do a good deal of one-on-one coaching and facilitate several coaching groups for individuals who sign on with me and corporations who bring me in to coach various teams, and this is the sort of thing we work on. It all takes place via Zoom so it doesn’t matter where in the world you park your bones. If you think you could benefit from coaching, click here to book a virtual coffee with me, and we can see if we’re a fit. And of course, if you know anyone you think could benefit, please forward this to them.

A fresh start to a fresh year with a fresh approach sounds nice, doesn’t it?

Own Your Sales Gene…


#950 Are you Lazy or do you Simply Lack Talent?


#948 It's Motto Time!