#935 Iron Mike and Discipline

I’m writing this today as much for me as I am for you. 

I had a bad week of training. I didn’t get all of my workouts and runs in the way I usually do. 

I’m not sure what happened. I’ve always been very disciplined, but somehow, September seduced me to stay in and drink coffee on a few of its darker early mornings.

I’ve been exercising regularly for about forty years. You’d think it would be an unimpeachable habit by now, wouldn’t you? Yet, there I was, drinking coffee while my running shoes remained by the door.

Getting up to go to work doesn’t take discipline. I have to do it, or I don’t eat. Getting up and going for a run takes enormous discipline because I have a choice. Every day, I choose: exercise or take it easy, and sometimes my creative brain cons me into thinking tomorrow is a better option than today. It never is. Tomorrow is just the new today when I can, again, choose to put off my workout until tomorrow.

I listened to an interview with Mike Tyson. He’s training for a comeback, and he said something that I will post on my daily plan to get me out of my September malaise.

I don’t care how good you are at anything. 

Without discipline, you ain’t nobody.

I’m not training for anything particular like a big fight, but I am training for longevity and to feel as good as I can for the remainder of my time on planet earth. I’m not about to forego forty years of staying in shape now when it counts the most.

It’s the same with regularly calling our clients, business development, doing the research we need to bring in new accounts, or building a healthy funnel. 

Discipline rules the day. Doing what needs to be done daily always leads to success, while losing discipline will lead to failure.

Missing a handful of workouts isn’t the end of the world as long as I arrest it right now and have an intense week. Let my reminder to myself be a reminder to you too. Stay vigilant. Never take discipline for granted.

Own Your Sales Gene...


#936 Make it Easier


#934 This is NOT how I pictured my childhood turning out!