#919 Five MORE Things That Don't Deserve Brain Space

  1. Being offended. If someone compliments us, we brush it off as though they are either brain-addled, a clergy member, or have an ulterior motive. Too often, we hear the compliment, know what we know about ourselves, announce our lack of worthiness to ourselves loud and clear, and then slough it off without effect. Yet, have someone criticize us, and we carry it around all day, litigating it in our minds and with others looking for someone to shatter the critique which we have already swallowed whole and are suffering hours of mental indigestion over

  2. Political Shenanigans. Our president is taking on Twitter. The speaker of the house is showing off the name brand ice cream in her $20,000 freezer. Do I need to expand on this one? I wouldn’t rent them two seconds of space in my head.

  3. Figuring out how to change others. Two words: Not Possible. Instead, be the change you want to see. It's amazing how focusing on intensifying our own light makes most things, within our purview, shine more brightly

  4. Holding someone in contempt. Guess what? You aren't. They're holding you.

  5. Worrying about getting sick. This is a tough one. I want you to worry somewhat. I want you to use that anxiety to increase your vigilance. But in the end, "You pays your money, and you takes your chances." In other words, if you do what you can do to avoid getting sick, you are done. It is now a matter of fate. 

    Own Your Sales Gene…


#920 What camp are you in?


#918 Five Things That Don't Deserve Brain Space