#918 Five Things That Don't Deserve Brain Space

1.  Envy.  Envy is one of my favorites. I love how everyone is vacationing, dining out, seeing shows, and going to fab parties, more than I am. At least that what it says on Facebook.  Never compare your insides to someone else’s outsides

2.  Hate.  Carrying hate for anyone is akin to drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Hatred is corrosive, consuming, and constant. It crowds out creativity and kindness. Let it go.

3. Worry.  “I am an old man, and I have had many worries, most of which have never come to pass.” Marcus Aurelius. Worry changes nothing except your good judgment when you have to deal with the here and now. Make an effort to be present.

4.   Anger.  Yelling at that knucklehead who just cut you off, swerved into your lane, is driving up your butt, or driving 10 MPH below the speed limit in front of you gets cortisol, the stress hormone, flowing through your brain and your veins. According to the Mayo clinic, this puts you at increased risk of many health problems, including:

· -Anxiety

· -Depression

· -Digestive issues

· -Headaches

· Heart disease

· Sleep disorders

· Weight gain

· Memory and concentration impairment

5. Negative self-talk.  What’s up with the Gordan Ramsey on your shoulder? Replace him with Michelle Obama. Be kind to yourself. Notice your wins and let the losses slip away. I like to start the day with a quick journal entry about one thing I’m grateful for. After a while, stacking up gratitude can temper the internal, infernal, critic.

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#919 Five MORE Things That Don't Deserve Brain Space


#917 Put A Bow On It