#922 People Don't do Business with Logos

People do business with people.  

More specifically, people do business with people they like, and with people they trust. What makes one likable and trustworthy? I could write a whole book on that…Oh, wait, I did! But I’m not here to sell books.

For the blog today, I only want to remind you that this is your Trojan Horse. 

Communications skills.  The ability to understand personality styles, communication methodologies, body language, delivery systems, and what they all mean together. The ability to listen well and to hear the meaning behind the words is your hidden army.

It’s that army that will defend your essential relationships and defeat the interlopers and carpetbaggers oozing in with unctuous flattery to take without earning. It is these skills that separate the great and memorable people in your life from so many of the others. It is these skills that define what we call charisma. Think about the magnetism of the great communicators we’ve seen in our lifetime; King, Reagan, Kennedy, and Mandela come to mind.

Learning and practicing the skills of the great communicators will do more for your bank balance than any other set of skills you can bring to bear, and that’s why I call them your Trojan Horse. All of the leaders mentioned above were not only great speakers; they were known to be great listeners, empathetic, present, and tuned in. It was their listening skills and empathy that gave weight to their words and created leagues of loyalists.

You may not need to rouse a nation, but the skills to bring people to you and keep them with you will build your business better than any other skill you can learn. I guaranty it.

Own Your Sales Gene…



#923 The Auditor is here...


#921 Guess Who Got the Job?