#921 Guess Who Got the Job?

Wes got the job. Guess why Wes got the job? Because Wes managed to complete some herculean tasks that were, evidently, far too much for his competitors to manage. Wes is the owner of one of three local construction firms I called to repair some squirrel damage to my second story soffit. Here is the very sophisticated strategy Wes used to get ahead of the competition: ·

  • Returned my call the same day ·

  • Texted me the following day that he was in the area to stop by for an estimate. ·

  • Showed up when he said he would. ·

  • Followed up by an email with a full explanation (including pictures) of the damage he saw and what it would cost to fix it. ·

  • Asked for the business.

    Tough stuff this calling back, following up, showing up, and asking for the business, huh? No wonder so many of Wes' competitors couldn't do it. Seriously. This is your competition too. You can thin the herd just by applying basic courtesy and professionalism. After that, keep working on your skills to separate yourself even further at the finish line. Before you know it, you'll be the "go-to" in your business and chasing less and fielding more.

    Own Your Sales Gene…

PS It's all done. Wes' man, Casper, did an outstanding job!


#922 People Don't do Business with Logos


#920 What camp are you in?