#914 Nothing New
I wish I had something new for you. I wish I were a great thinker, an innovator, a philosopher with a unique point of view. But…I’m not.
My job here in this blog is to remind you of universal truths you may be forgetting or doubting. Especially now during this trying time.
I’m a curator. I gather together immutable laws of selling, relationships, personal development…LIFE. I remember which ones I feel like I need at the moment and then I figure you may need the same things too and voila! The blog! So now, during this dark hour, I give you…Nothing New!
In the old testament, in Proverbs, we find, “For as a man thinketh in his heart so is he”
A few years later, in 65 BC, the great Roman poet Horace said, “Life is largely a matter of expectation.”
Fast forward to the new testament and read, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
Come up to the early 1900s and listen to Earl Nightingales best selling album, “The Strangest Secret,” and hear Earl say. “You become what you think about most often.”
Rhonda Byrne made a fortune back in the early 2000s by writing her take on this ancient wisdom in “The Secret.”
We are going through a difficult time, and the struggles we are experiencing are real and immediate and painful, and that can dominate our minds.
It is because of those struggles that we need to set our heads on what we have to be grateful for and what our best future will be coming out of this. That future is, as we’ve learned for three thousand years, mostly a matter of how we craft it mentally and watch it unfold.
Here is another quote from Horace that may help you to believe in your brighter future.
“Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.”
Let this adversity awaken your talents and emerge from this better than you went in
Own Your Sales Gene…