#915 Now is Your Time

I don’t teach folks how to sell. I teach them how to find, create, and manage opportunities and how to run a productive business development life to be proud of.

I’ve always advocated, practiced, and taught listening, helping, compassion, authenticity, and sincerity.

If you have been with me all along, practicing and absorbing these skills, now is your time.

Many of your competitors are tone-deaf, thinking this is a passing phase and trying to connect as usual. They throw out the gratuitous, “Hey, hope you’re safe; crazy times, huh?” Then, without pausing a beat, leap into: “ I just wanted to tell you about this special opportunity with my product/service.” With a nod to Oz, I say: NOBODY GETS TO YES LIKE THAT NOT NOBODY NOT NO HOW!

Would you offer your business card to a widow at a wake?

That’s how inappropriate calling without connecting is today, and, by the way, it isn’t going to change anytime soon. Our collective psyche has changed. We got rocked by a left hook and are still flinching when someone raises a hand to adjust their hair. As I suggested weeks ago, take massive action. Call and connect; with everyone! Understand how tough it is now for so many of your clients. Listen to what’s happening with them and empathize and offer help. Relate to what’s happening in their world. Forget about your world for the time you’re with them and listen. I promise you the unmalleable will not survive this pandemic. It’s thinning the herd and leaving plenty of grazing land for those who adapted early on, understanding where the new grass was growing.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#916 Humility is a Good Thing, BUT...


#914 Nothing New