#897 I Don't Care About Your New Year's Resolutions

What were your New Year's resolutions; to lose a few lbs.? To exercise more or pare down your debt? To earn more money or have more family time?

I honestly don't care. I don't care for a few reasons. First off, statistics say that 80% of New Year's resolutions are abandoned by February. I know it's true because that about the time my gym becomes usable again after the "resolutionists" invade on January 2nd.

I also don't care because if you stated your resolutions in the same form as my examples, they wouldn't fly anyway. Most resolutions are like that; nonspecific, unmeasurable, and with no timeframe. Without those parameters, the chances of them sticking are about as good as uncooked spaghetti thrown at the wall.

Finally, I don't care because bold statements made under the influence of adult beverages and peer pressure aren't resolutions; they're entertainment.

What I do care about are your goals and plans. 

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If you didn't take the time between Christmas and New Years' day to write down your goals for 2020 and create a plan to achieve them, it's not too late. Please do it now. 

You are about to receive 365 brand new chances to shape your destiny. You are about to SPEND a year of your life. Shouldn't you have some sense of what you want in return and a plan to get there?

If you were SPENDING $5,000 for a trip to a sunny beach, wouldn't you know what you were getting for your 5K? The hotel, the room, the view, the itinerary, the airline, the seat, the meal plan, and the attractions? Wouldn't you sit down and think about the trip and create a list of things to bring, do, and to check on?

You are about to spend a year of your life. It's arguably worth a bit more than $5,000, yet most people won't commit the same time and thought they would for the vacation. 

It's a remarkably similar process. Just imagine where you want to go and think through how to get there.

I'm happy to help. I've got a bunch of tools and techniques designed to help you create meaningful goals and a robust plan to achieve them. If you feel stuck, call me.

Own your sales gene…


#898 Discipline and Accountability are the Twin Peaks of Success


#896 RENEW