#896 RENEW

The time between Christmas and the new year has always been a time renewal for me. I love the anticipation of the new year, pregnant with possibilities. I love setting goals, planning, and creating the movie of my upcoming year. I also love to take time with my family as I did with Christine in Rock Center


I love thinking back over the past year with an emphasis on gratitude. Believe me, a lot of things went wrong in 2019, but I don’t find it mentally healthy for me to dwell on those. I think of them to set a coarse correction or remind myself to avoid those people, places, and behaviors in 2020, but my focus is on what I’m grateful for. That line of thinking just works better for me. 

At my Christmas dinner table, we pause before the meal and give thanks.  “When I have food let me remember people are hungry, while I’m home let me remember those who are homeless when I am among my family and friends let me not forget that so many are lonely. Please let me always remember that people cry out for these things I take for granted and let me be grateful.”

I do not believe that you get what you deserve in this life. I believe you get what you expect. Gratitude puts you in a position to expect more good things.

I’m expecting (the new year is pregnant with possibilities!) a stellar 2020 and wish the same for you. 

I’m grateful that with so many things coming at you, you paused for a moment to visit with me here. 

Own Your Sales Gene…


#897 I Don't Care About Your New Year's Resolutions


#895 If You Don't Ask, You Don't Get; BUT