#893 You have ZERO competition

I wanted to have a room painted. I called six painters who were recommended through friends and social media. Three returned calls. Two showed up to look. One failed to send an estimate. The one I hired painted the room but forgot to paint the window sashes. When I asked him why he said, "I didn't know you wanted those done. That's something I normally charge extra for."

Borrowing from Pareto, I believe it's the same in your business. 80% of the people aren't all that good at what they do. 80% aren't reliable or responsive. 80% say they will come by at 9 and show up at 11; if at all. Do what you said you would do when you said you would do it, and you're top 20%, just like that. 

But that's still too much competition for me.

Within the 20% that are good, there are maybe 2% who are excellent. 

If you want to win often, if you're going to put some space between you and the "also-rans," just become excellent and compete at the top. Let the other 98% hunt the slow deer with price as the only differentiator. Choose excellence. Excellence isn't a skill as much as it's an attitude, and attitude is always a choice.

Own your sales gene…


#894 W.A.I.T.


#892 Nine sure-fire steps to double your anxiety, increase your stress and shorten your life…