#1138 Dylan

“Even if you don’t have all of the things you want, be grateful for the things you don’t have that you don’t want.”  Abram Zimmerman (Bob Dylan’s Dad)

I had to read that twice; OK, four or five times.

I guess a version of this sentiment is “There but for the grace of God go I,” but I love how Mr. Zimmrman put it.  It flips the script.  It takes me from wanting to gratitude in an instant.  Rather than wishing for what I lack, I can articulate some other advantages I have because of what I don’t have.

I don’t have cancer.  I don’t have any deceased immediate family members. I don’t have a crappy job.  I don’t have a leak in the roof or a temperamental car. I don’t have a foreclosure notice tacked to my door or empty cupboards in my kitchen.

Each morning, I write my intention for the day and a few lines about what I’m grateful for. I think I will also add a line about something I don’t have that I am grateful for.

Thanks, Abram

Own your Sales Gene…


#1139 A Little Rain Must Fall


#1137 Lots of $$$$= $UCCESS.