#1128 BE-DO-HAVE

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY TO ALL THE DADS OUT THERE. While today’s message applies to everyone, it is especially consequential for the paternity fraternity.

The glory of accomplishment, the extra zeroes in the bank account, and the various monuments bought to pay homage to your success are of far less importance than the creation of your character.

While pushing hard to achieve success, remind yourself that your primary task is to be a good human.

I am a massive fan of accomplishment.  I love making money and helping other people build their businesses. I’ve always been driven this way.  Maybe it’s programming from growing up poor with the sociological values that permeated the neighborhood.  We looked with awe and reverence at the guy with the custom suit and the expensive car without regard to how he earned those things.  Money equaled respect in my neighborhood.

Money isn’t the issue, nor is it the drive to succeed. The problem is only the misguided investment some people make in success at the cost of character. It is focusing on the baubles and beads without regard to becoming.

Be Do Have is the way.  Create a clear image of who you want to be.  Then, do the things you believe a person like that would do.  The “have” is the easy part. It follows after Be and Do like goslings following mama goose.

The news is filled with stories of people who subordinated character in pursuit of money or fame. Those stories don’t usually end well.

Character is the end game. Character is the reward and embodies riches in any form one may define.

Create an avatar of the perfect you according to you.  That’s the critical part.  It’s OK to seek advice and aspire to qualities you admire in others, but the you you strive for has to be the best you according you. In the words of the great Jim Rohn, “You’ve got to work harder on yourself than you do on your job.”.   It’s the only rewarding way to be rewarded.

Own Your Sales Gene…


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