#1119 The Motivational Cabbie

Sometimes, I have to laugh at myself. I know the rule. The principle of selective attention ensures that I will find what I am looking for. 

Remember, we don’t believe what we see; we see what we believe. This goes back to the great Earl Nightingale, who recorded the first million-selling personal development album, The Strangest Secret. Boiled down, the secret is the laws of attraction and selective attention. As Earl said, “We become what we think about most often.”

Anyway, it was raining in NYC as I hailed a cab. Whenever I get in a taxi or an Uber, I like to talk with the driver. I told the cabbie, “Hey, the rain is good for business, right? A lot more people take cabs when it rains, no? He said, “The problem is the profit.”

I freaked! “The problem is the profit!” I exclaimed. 

That’s genius! My friend, I am going to quote you on that. “The Problem is the Profit!” You are amazing. What an incredible insight! Dude, you are like the Tony Robbins of taxis! 

He caught my eye in his rear-view mirror, scowled, and, in a very thick accent, said, “No, I say the problem is the traffic. I make no money. It take too long to go places.”

Well, he was a little short to be Tony Robbins anyway.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1120 The Prize is the Process


#1118 Rudy McRudeness