#1156 My Motto

Motto Time

I look forward to this time of year—yes, for the Christmas cookies, but also the rebirth. As we turn the calendar page to a new year, it feels like anything is possible. That’s because anything is possible if we engage in the process.

Over the past week, I’ve spent several hours thinking on paper—auditing the past year and thinking about what I want in 2025. I reviewed the past year, my results against my goals, and where I spent my time and energy. Then, I read over those things and mapped out what I wanted more and less of for the coming year.

I also considered what I’m good at and what I’m not good at. Then, I considered how to avoid what I’m bad at, either altogether or by bringing in help, and how to do more of what I excel at and enjoy.

I visited my audit pages several times, adding new thoughts and deleting some that didn’t fit. What emerged was a picture of what I’d like to see happen in 2025, and an unmistakable overarching theme became clear: I want more time with my family, more time for my health, more time with my friends, and more adventures. I don’t want to subordinate those moments to making money.

Once the theme was clear, it was time to create my 2025 motto. My motto reminds me of the work I did over this past week.  It solidifies my thinking and influences my plan, week in and week out. It also lets people get a glimpse of where I am in life, and it is a banner I am happy to hang out there as the signature on my emails.

The next phase of the process is to set goals for 2025 and park some goals that must wait a year or five in my long-term goal pages. That is also a lengthy process, but I am 85% there. Once the goals are set, I can create the plans that will sail the SS Frankie into 2025 under the flag of my motto.

I love this process and encourage you to do some or all of it. I’m happy to help, too. If you want to talk about it, reply and let me know. I will share what I do in more detail, and we can discuss what works for you.

My 2025 motto is: I’m obsessed with compounding interest: Interest in health, family, hobbies, and friends.


#1157 I Need Crutches


#1155 It's that time of year...BE SELFISH