#1146 What do you Expect?

When you woke up today, did you expect a joy-filled day or a day filled with frustrations?

When you saw your significant other, did you offer a warm greeting, a smile, and a hug, or only manage a mumbled good morning?

When you stopped at the store, did you expect the clerk to be friendly and supportive or grudgingly helpful?

When you saw your neighbor down the aisle, did you say hello before they noticed you?

When you beeped your horn, was it an admonishment, a warning, or a greeting?

When you approached that client, did you expect them to buy or to nickel and dime you?

When you woke up this morning, did you set an intention for the day or flit from task to task like a butterfly, going haphazardly from flower to flower, hoping to find some nectar?

Watching Fox News will give you a different view than reading the NY Times. We tend to gravitate toward that which supports our view of the world, and the algorithms give us more of what they think we want. I think it isn’t just the news—it’s the world. The Universe has an algorithm, too. You write the code. It feeds more and more of what you what you expect.

Please begin the day with intention and gratitude. I write mine early each morning, and —most of the time - the Universe tries to comply.

Metaphysically Yours,



#1147 Be Specific about what you Wish for


#1145 Take the Plastic off the Furniture