#1086 Needy Never Sells

I just unsubscribed from an email feed that I don’t think I ever subscribed to in the first place. 

To unsubscribe, I had to scroll down the bottom f the message, find the word unsubscribe in a tiny font mixed in with other choices, and get my cursor precisely positioned to get the unsubscribe link rather than one of the other proximity links. After clicking on it, I was directed to a landing page asking me if I wanted only emails about X or Y or at different intervals. The last choice was to unsubscribe from all emails. I clicked it. It asked if I was sure. Well, if I wasn’t sure before, I certainly was now!

Needy never sells. 

Desperation is repulsive. People are programmed to push needy away. I’m not talking about countertop donation slots with pictures of three-legged, emaciated puppies or ads to help unfortunate children or folks who’ve suffered a disaster. They need us but aren’t the needy I am talking about.

Needy in selling is whiney. Needy lacks confidence. Needy wants the deal, not necessarily what’s best for the buyer. Needy doesn’t ask questions or listen. Needy begs cajoles and coerces with only what needy needs in mind. 

Needy is not persistent; needy is pushy.

Calm confidence sells. Don’t trick me with small font unsubscribes hoping that it is so complicated I’ll just quit and keep getting the emails. If you need to do that to keep me, why would you even want me on your list?

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1087 Hard Markets and Soft Landings


#1085 You Can Lead a Horse to Water but...