#1078 I Know it When I See it

When Justice Potter Stewart was asked what his test was to define obscene material, he famously replied 

"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core pornography"], and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it."

It's the same for charisma. Can we adequately define personal magnetism? Can we determine attractiveness? What do we mean when someone has that "it" factor?

I love studying this. I enjoy figuring out what makes two people of similar backgrounds, education, and upbringing disparate in that "it" factor: charisma.

Some folks subscribe to the idea that the lucky few were born that way. I don't. Charisma is a learnable skill; your likeability quotient can continue to increase with learning and practice.

Please do this for me: Think of a person you know who is an excellent listener; picture their face and answer these questions.

  1. Do you like this person?

  2. Do you respect this person?

  3. Do you enjoy being in their company?

  4. Do you usually hear folks say negative things about this person?

Chances are your answers at yes, yes, yes, and no. Listening is at the core of charisma. While charismatic people are sometimes verbose, we are drawn to them because they make us feel good about ourselves. They ask questions and listen actively.

Remember this, please; you have everything inside of you to be whatever you want to be. You are not lacking anything save some information and practice.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1079 STOP: Proceed with Caution


#1077 Misery Loves Company