#1066 Take a Breath...

…But spare us the miasma. 

You are not energy neutral. Even if you think you are a wallflower or non-impact player, you are affecting the air in the room.

Back before we had speech, we read faces and postures. We tuned into eye movements, foot positions, and the nature displayed by the degree of openness in the posture of other beings.

New Flash! We still do. Have you ever watched the weather in a room change because someone changed it without saying a word?  

It may be for better by employing a positive posture in a tense moment (like a smile, a head tilt, or even an eyebrow pop or a wink), or it may be for worse with something as simple as tapping on a table or a quick look of incredulity. I've witnessed the mood change in a group meeting at the heavy sigh of a single individual.  

We bring our face and body to every encounter, and that face and body are like a billboard being read, unconsciously and instantly, by the limbic systems of the people around us. 

It's true that some folks don't tune into what their amygdala is trying to tell them (you can fool some of the people some of the time), but still, most of us are picking up what you're laying down.

It is incumbent upon us to be self-aware enough to know how we are showing up.

We don't have to carry the lousy encounter we just had into the meeting we're about to have - or drag worries that haven't happened yet.

I once read that blind, competitive runners throw their hands up and their heads back when they break the tape at the finish line. These are runners who are blind from birth! Where did they learn this? It's inside them. It is the outward manifestation of an internal exaltation. Try it and change your energy. The next time you feel down, angry, insulted, or unhappy, do what those blind racers do just before you enter a new encounter – raise your hands and lift your face to the sky!  

Remember, action alters attitudes, and motion changes emotions.

Which "You" do you want to bring to your encounters? Hopefully, one you're aware of because the rest of us certainly are. 

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1067 Don’t Write Your Own Endings.


#1065 I Never Look at a Recipe