#1063 Chew Before You Swallow

He noticed most things but had the wit to mention only a few. The heavier side of the noticing scale was seeing the good. Still, he was judicious in his praise and stingy with reproval.

Folks saw both as precious, much like spotting an owl or witnessing a whale breach is; their infrequency made them memorable.

The difference made him notable, well-liked, and trusted. Many others felt the need to broadcast, loudly and often, that which they disapproved of. They did it, it seemed to him, to define themselves to others (and themselves.) When he offered compliments or complaints, he did it primarily to affect others, yet his process affected popular opinion of him favorably.

Many people have a greased shoot from head to mouth, allowing thoughts, especially criticisms and complaints, to slide out with little or no examination. It’s like swallowing a cookie whole; the flavor and texture are missed entirely, if not for the few moments of chewing it first.

Thoughts deserve those same few moments.

Chew on them and see if they taste and feel OK before offering them to anyone else.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1064 Should I Call?


#1062 The Teflon Don