#1101 A New Year

We are getting to that time when many of us look ahead to next year and think about changes and plans. 

Some make resolutions at midnight, others lengthy business plans, some get away for a while to do some soul-searching, and some bang out a list of goals at their desks. Some, of course, do nothing at all.

Midnight resolutions tend to be ephemeral. Not much thought goes into a spontaneous commitment, so it follows that one is not much committed.

Setting goals and planning a year can feel daunting if you've never done it or not done it with a decent system. Don't be intimidated; we all plan. We all set goals. A meal and a shopping list are examples of both. We plan a meal, write down essential ingredients, get them, and execute the recipe using each ingredient in its time and accomplish the goal.

Planning the year isn't much different.

What are the meals for 2024? Will you think about them in advance? If you don't, you'll find yourself in a revolving door of fast-food drive-throughs, pizza deliveries, and microwave burritos. (And in the end, you'll feel like crap)

Instead, take a minute and think about what you'd like.  

  • What are your favorite foods?

  • What are a few big meals you can plan for 2024?

  • What about side dishes?

  • What ingredients are needed?  

  • Do you know where to find them?  

  • Do you need any tools? 

  • Do you understand the techniques required to pull off those meals, or could you do with some training?

  • Who do you know that's skilled in the kitchen? Can you ask them for advice?  

  • Are there YouTube videos that can help?

You're going to eat all year. On 31 December 2024, will you be sated or filled with empty calories and left craving a good meal?

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1102 Motto Time!


#1100 You Can't Ride Two Horses with One Ass