#1104 Mindset

I believe that the future will be better than the past, and so it is. Mindset: if I can pass just one concept on to you, it is mindset.

I used to think mindset was an important thing. To borrow from Vince Lombardi, “It’s the only thing”.

Success or failure and every outcome in between is created with mindset.

Nothing happens to us.

Things happen, and we interpret them.

One of Ronald Reagan’s favorite stories was of twin brothers raised by a drug-addled, criminal father. One went on to a life of drugs and crime, while the other became very successful and had a loving family of his own. When they were interviewed and asked how they wound up where they were, they both had the same answer. “I had no choice. My Dad was a drug addict and a criminal.”

Two people show up at a restaurant at 6:55 for their 7:00 reservations. Each is told the restaurant is running behind and their table will take another 20-30 minutes. One smiles goes to the bar and enjoys a lovely conversation with his dinner companion until his table is ready. The other complains loudly and spends the next twenty minutes glowering at the host and looking over his shoulder at the reservation list. At 7:20, they are both shown to their respective tables. Who do you think will enjoy the dinner more?

Nothing happened TO either one of them. Something happened, and each interpreted it. MINDSET.

The great thing about mindset is that we control it entirely and, therefore, control our outcomes.

Own Your Sales Gene


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#1103 Bad Habits