#1056 I'm Just Speaking My Truth!

This phrase has become a prominent part of the lexicon, and frankly, it disturbs me greatly.  

In my experience, it's just perfume for poop. Poop is poop, and perfume won't hide the stink.

It's the same with rudeness and tactlessness. You can't cover either with a quick spritz of "speaking my truth"; they stink through.

I've dedicated my career to learning and teaching excellent communication. I've seen tact take a hard hit over the past decade.  It began in politics and has infected the hoi polloi.  

Tact is undertaught, under-lauded, and under-estimated. The ability to deliver a correction or a complaint without an accompanying knockout punch propels people into leadership positions in business and to places of esteem in life.  

It takes patience, forethought, and empathy. You must have the patience to think about how a person may receive your message and then craft your message for effectiveness. I'm not asking you to deviate from the truth. I'm suggesting you think for a moment about the most effective way someone will hear it so you can speak your truth without leaving bodies in your wake.

It isn't toady or sycophantic; it's considerate and constructive.

I've heard phrases like "brutally honest" and "the truth hurts," and they trouble me.  

I want to think I am honest without being brutal and that I can offer the truth palatably with this pain-free formula.  


The three points I want to drive home today are:

  1. Do not accept that one can say hurtful things and then paint over them with "I'm just speaking my truth."

  2. Tactlessness and rude people aren't being honest; they're lazy and selfish communicators.

  3. Charismatic communication takes time and forethought, and it's worth it.

By the way, does my ass look fat in these jeans?

Own Your Sales Gene…



#1057 Economists have predicted 12 of the last 2 recessions.  


#1055 Dirty Ankles