#1036 Hi over Ai

Welcome to all of the new subscribers I met at the Big I Iowa state convention. IOWA STRONG!

Now onto this week:

People do business with people. Yes, we point and click, and we subscribe and save, but for many, many needs, we need people when we acquire goods and services. But what about the crossover? What about folks who provide goods and services for which people can choose to click instead? I have three words for you.

                         UP YOUR GAME  

Hi over Ai. Human intelligence over artificial intelligence. Selling a house is possible without a professional realtor, but when I decide to sell my home, I'll call Bob Shirvanian. Bob brings value. Bob's expertise and experience make buying or selling a home simple. On top of that, he cares. Bob makes it personal. He is responsible and responsive. He treats everyone like family. Can I save money by downloading some forms and following a selling plan laid out online by some real estate guru? Sure, I can, but I won't. Bob brings significantly more value than I could potentially save with a DIY online deal.

I feel the same way about Lina Scanelli, my insurance agent. Fifteen minutes could save me money, but I want more than fifteen minutes to learn about my insurance coverage. I want Lina. 

I want to ask questions and benefit from her real-world expertise with people like me. And God forbid I ever need that coverage; I want to call Lina, not some lizard on an 800 number.

I love my Amazon deliveries, and I l love my Harry's shaving gear subscription. I order boxers & socks from Deluth Trading and seeds from a catalog, but for most things in life, I say Hi, and it pays off every time.


Own Your Sales Gene…



#1037 How to up your likability quotient


#1035 Pay for Performance