#1034 Audentes Fortuna Adiuvat

Just as fear of looking incapable when trying something new results in unremarkable lives, fear of looking bad or being perceived as inappropriate results in unremarkable careers.

My antidote, at least for the business side, is a reframe that borders on conceit but “Audentes Fortuna Adiuvat” (Fortune Favors The Bold)

My reframe goes something like this. When I offer someone a product or service, I approach it as a favor; TO THEM. I have convinced myself that no one on the planet will deliver the goods as I will. I imagine nefarious characters as my competitors who are out to line their pockets at the expense of my prospect. I approach anyone and everyone who uses the services I offer to save them from doing business with those lesser mortals.

I KNOW I will listen well. I KNOW I will customize my offer to best suit my client. I KNOW I will underpromise and overdeliver, and I know that my follow-up and immediate response time is far and away superior to anyone else in my market. Unbridled hubris? Like Walter Brennan said in The Guns of Will Sonnet, “No brag, just fact.”

Let’s unpack this for a minute. Are there better sales and communications experts out there who deliver a fantastic experience? 

Of course, but my reframe doesn’t have them in the picture. My reframe has my potential client getting offers from hacks and hucksters. 

My reframe has me pulling them out of a sea of misinformation and canned presentations to a customized experience that will serve their business exactly as they hoped.

Fear of looking inadequate, inappropriate, pushy, or salesy stops many people from offering their services. My reframe compels me to offer mine.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1035 Pay for Performance


#1033 Uptime