#1028 Meglio Solo Che Male Accompagnati


I saw a deer crossing my property; his new antlers were just beginning to sprout.  They were thick at the bottom but only about four inches tall.  I could tell from the thickness and the nubs protruding from the main base that these antlers would be very tall and wide by the end of the summer.

The buck had shed his antlers back in February to grow them bigger and stronger this season.

Shedding to grow is a beautiful analogy for life.  In personal development, we must shed habits, behaviors, and beliefs to grow as people.

We also need to shed people, which is where that tremendous Italian expression comes in.  Meglio solo che male accompagnato means “Better alone than bad company.” 

Another great one is “Che va con lo zoppo imparare zoppocare” and “If you walk with a cripple, you’ll learn to limp.”

Who do you need to shed?

Great people make you feel that you are great too. 

The influence of the folks around you is real, and regardless of how strong-willed you think you are, you’re not impervious to it.

Seek to spend time with people who elevate you.  Avoid the snarky, hostile, angry rhetoric so pervasive and weirdly accepted today.

Seek the company of people who, like you, have a growth mindset, an easy smile, and an appreciation for their beating hearts.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1029 Awfulizing


#1027 RIght or Wrong You're Just as Dead