#1031 Breaking Up is Hard to Do

First off, a BIG welcome aboard to all of the people from EMC who made me feel like I was really something special. Thank you so much. You could not have been kinder or more accommodating.

Now here is #1031 Breaking up is Hard to Do:

Ahhhh, Neil Sedaka sang his little heart out back in the days before social anomie and daily derision. I don’t think he could have foreseen a post like this in referring to his song.

Breaking up is hard to do but essential to a good and productive life. Life is never about what happens to us and always about how we process and react. How likely are we to respond positively if we surround ourselves with the Negative Nellys of the world?

Human beings can be much like tofu (and I'm not too fond of tofu). We readily absorb dominant flavors poured upon us. 

·       Who are you spending time with? 

·       What newscasts are blaring on your TV or radio? 

·       What news sources do you read? 

·       What alerts pop up on your phone? 

·       Who do you follow on social?


It all needs to be regularly examined.

I've ended my association with biased news sources. I regularly monitor the content that comes at me and unsubscribe to emails or stop alerts that may have crept past the sentry of my intention.

But that's the easy part.

Breaking up with friends or relatives is harder. I've known people for years who have changed over time (or did I?) and are suddenly chirping in my ear with negative judgments, unfounded worry, and snarky remarks about other people. I must let them go. It's hard but necessary because regardless of how strong your mental game is, emotional vampires will suck you dry. Letting them go doesn’t have to be that dramatic. You can choose to see them less frequently and intentionally become less available to their negative diatribes.

Sometimes you are unaware. Sometimes your daily routine has you breathing in this colorless, odorless mind pollution. Don't sabotage yourself by unwittingly adopting negative and unproductive attitudes through your association with others. 

Examine it all and make choices. As I said last week, this is halftime. Look around you and inside of you and make adjustments for the second half. 

Down doobie doo down down breaking up is hard to do, BUT ESSENTIAL. Thanks, Neil!


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#1032 Backyard Dogs


#1030 Wardrobe Malfunction