#1023 It's always about the work  


"With everything perfect, we do not ask how it came to be. Instead, we rejoice in the present fact as though it came out of the ground by magic." Nietzsche

God, I could write a book off that quote but don't worry, I will keep it short 😊

We dread exertion without an absolute guarantee of reward and fail to realize that the reward IS guaranteed, if not conventionally.  

As my Dad was fond of saying, "Frankie, the cream always comes to the top." 

The problem isn't with the guarantee; it's with the inability to believe in it. The universe is consistent. If you put in the work, the reward will arrive. (You reap what you sow) It is in the adopting of that belief that the magic lies.

When you embed that belief deep in your psyche, no task can be too arduous. 

If I walk daily for 30-40 minutes, I may not see a significant difference in my physique or my overall fitness for quite some time, but I will live a longer and healthier life than I would have without walking. Unless I believe that, it is unlikely I will maintain the walking habit.

If I make twenty calls each day for business development, I will find new business. 

It may take a dozen days of calling before getting traction with a new account, but it will happen. The consistent application of the mundane yields the extraordinary, and it is that belief that will carry you through to your rewards.

Like the 1973 Mets, "You Gotta Believe!"

Own Your Sales Gene…



#1024 Dissatisfaction and Complacency


#1022 Don't Trip Over Something Behind You